I hate the saying “only the good die young” mostly because it’s always true. 

We lost one of the good ones this week – Jamie L. Thomas  left her earthly body on January 14, 2017 after fighting a rare form of cancer. 

jamie l thomas

Jamie at the Weed & Wine Event Photo by Kenesha Facello Photography

Jamie was so full of energy and light that it constantly radiated from her being. She was passionate and loving and kind. Jamie was a scholar, an educator, and a supporter. 

I knew Jamie through the cannabis community. She welcomed me with open arms and provided support along the way.

I was fortunate enough to sit in on one of her lectures and it was just fascinating. I loved being in her presence watching her light up discussing cannabis, it’s medicinal benefits, her story, and her vision.

That’s what makes this story incredibly painstaking.

Jamie was a fighter.

From a young age Jamie struggled with health problems, but once she found the cannabis plant she knew she found hope. Jamie immersed herself into mindfulness and plant medicine successfully ridding her body of over 50 prescribed medication.

For the last ten years Jamie has spent her time educating and empowering others.

jamie l thomas

CannaEssence Photo by Kenesha Facello Photography

CannaEssence was created to support practitioners who are dealing with pain and imbalance in the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual (PEMS) bodies.

Jamie recognized that certain colors provoke a certain emotion or reaction in each individual. Recognizing the color you are most attracted to can help you understand the voids in the body and thus help you heal. 

She was a apart of the cannabis community in Denver, CO – a community created by those who believe in something bigger then themselves.  Those who stand up for health and education with the utmost respect. Jamie was a big piece to this puzzle that will be deeply missed.

She will impact on this community through her spirit, her voice, and her compassion.

Each of us who were impacted by Jamie can continue to share her story, progress research, and educate others on plant medicine, and most importantly live authentically and passionately as she did.

May you forever float in the cosmos and your light forever shine on.

Rest in Peace dear friend ~ Jai Ma.